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Edven mostanában ezzel játszik (4):

The Crew 2Tom Clancy's The Division 2Assassin's Creed MirageThe Crew Motorfest

Edven-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (30):

DOOM (2016)S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of ChornobylBeyond Good and Evil 2The Elder Scrolls OnlineAmong the SleepAmnesia: A Machine for PigsThe Evil WithinWolfenstein: The New OrderOutlast 2System Shock (2023)The Elder Scrolls VILittle NightmaresGreedFallFINAL FANTASY XVThe Evil Within 2Metro ExodusDeep Rock GalacticSkull and BonesShadow of the Tomb RaiderAtomic HeartBurnout Paradise RemasteredVolcanoidsTom Clancy's Ghost Recon BreakpointWatch Dogs: LegionGhostrunnerThe Outlast TrialsAmnesia: RebirthLayers of Fear (2023)ScatheAmnesia: The Bunker

Edven a következő játékokkal játszott már (356):

Need For Speed ProStreetThe Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionHalf-Life 2Half-Life 2 Episode OneMedal of Honor: AirborneS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylHalf-Life 2 Episode TwoBioShockCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareCrysisF.E.A.R. Perseus MandateSaints Row 2Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasHitman: Blood MoneyBattlefield 2Just CausePreyBattlefield 2142MafiaPenumbra: Black PlagueFrontlines: Fuel of WarAssassin's CreedPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinFar CryBattlefield 1942Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced WarfighterTomb Raider AnniversarySniper EliteFlatOut 2Test Drive UnlimitedGRIDTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos TheoryDriver: Parallel LinesNeed For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonSporeGrand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityCounter-Strike: SourceF.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault ReconS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear SkyThe Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindCall of DutyCall of Duty 2Far Cry 2Crysis WarheadPenumbra: OverturePenumbra: RequiemNeed For Speed UndercoverGrand Theft Auto IVNeed For Speed Underground 2Euro Truck SimulatorFallout 3Return to Castle WolfensteinTomb Raider: UnderworldNeed For Speed UndergroundFlatOutHitman 2: Silent AssassinPostal 2Medal of Honor: Allied AssaultSilent Hill 2BullyA MesterlövészF.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginThe Godfather 2Tom Clancy's Splinter CellCombat Arms: the ClassicThe Witcher: Enhanced EditionBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate BoxQuakeRed Faction: ArmageddonArmA 2Tomb Raider LegendTomb Raider The Angel of DarknessMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultBatman: Arkham AsylumS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of PripyatPrototypeJust Cause 2Mass Effect 2Battlefield: Bad Company 2Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionCrysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Assassin's Creed IIAliens vs. Predator (2010)FUELMax Payne 3WolfensteinRed Faction: GuerrillaGuild Wars 2Alpha ProtocolFallen EarthThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsBorderlandsBioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)BlurCounter-Strike: Condition ZeroPrison Break: The ConspiracyNeed For Speed WorldTom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeFallout: New VegasRAGEPlants vs. ZombiesF.E.A.R. 3Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes from Liberty CitySniper: Ghost WarriorAmnesia: The Dark DescentCall of Duty: Black OpsAPB: All Points BulletinAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodHomefrontWorld of TanksDiRT 3Battlefield 3Cities XL 2011Driver: San FranciscoSaints Row: The ThirdDead IslandThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimPrototype 2L.A. NoireFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VThiefBioShock InfiniteAssassin's Creed: RevelationsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Tomb Raider (2013)Alliance of Valiant ArmsDishonoredLimboPlanetSide 2Counter-Strike 2Cities XL 2012South Park: The Stick of TruthMinecraftGUNDear EstherBorderlands 2Assassin's Creed IIIThe Walking DeadCall of Duty: Black Ops IIDark Souls (Prepare to Die Edition)Crysis 3Need For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Tomb Raider (1996)Watch DogsLuciusTomb Raider 2Tomb Raider 3Battlefield 4Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationTomb Raider ChroniclesWolfenstein 3DEuro Truck Simulator 2Cube WorldDead Island RiptideAnnaFarming Simulator 2013WarframeDragon Age: InquisitionCyberpunk 2077Viking: Battle for AsgardAce of SpadesThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntDirty BombBrutal LegendAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagHeroes & GeneralsSaints Row IVPAYDAY 2Don't StarveFar Cry 3 Blood DragonState of DecayThe Sims 4Need For Speed RivalsShadow WarriorDying LightThe CrewMad MaxMirror's Edge: CatalystOutlastGame Dev TycoonTom Clancy's The DivisionSNOWThe Walking Dead: Season 2SOMAMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorAssassin's Creed: Liberation HDThe ForestThe Amazing Spider-Man 2Plague Inc: EvolvedAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Trials FusionBorderlands: The Pre-SequelSubnauticaGang BeastsCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareFortniteSurvariumBattlefield HardlineHomefront: The RevolutionDead Rising 3The Vanishing of Ethan CarterRise of the Tomb RaiderElite DangerousMetro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINCities: SkylinesLife is StrangeHitman: Codename 47The Long DarkWatch Dogs 2F.E.A.R. OnlineCounter-Strike Nexon: StudioAssassin's Creed RogueKingdom Come: DeliveranceJust Cause 3The Old City: LeviathanNo Man's SkyAssassin's Creed SyndicateSniper: Ghost Warrior 3Stranded DeepThe Walking Dead: A New FrontierRising WorldBattleBlock TheaterFirewatchCall of Duty: Black Ops IIISimCity 2000ARK: Survival EvolvedHomesickFallout 4Out of ReachShadow Warrior 2FOR HONORTom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsSouth Park: The Fractured But WholeCompany of HeroesHitman (2016)SUPERHOTAshenAmerican Truck SimulatorTroveMinecraft: Story ModeThe Town of LightAncestors: The Humankind OdysseyMafia III: Definitive EditionS.K.I.L.L - Special Force 2The UniversimThe WitnessFar Cry PrimalKonaBus Simulator 16OxenfreeObductionHer StoryConan ExilesStardew ValleyEmpathyShoppe KeepEastshadeScrap MechanicFactorioEverybody's Gone to the RaptureCrossoutMaizeForza Horizon 3Human: Fall FlatOrwell: Keeping an Eye On YouSCUMVirginiaLine of SightHeavy Metal MachinesPaladinsThe Escapists 2Red Dead Redemption 2Quern - Undying ThoughtsBulletstorm: Full Clip EditionDauntlessPOSTALDestiny 2TotemoriGraveyard KeeperBorderlands 3What Remains of Edith FinchAssassin's Creed​ OriginsHacknetBrawlhallaFar Cry 5Life is Strange 2Shadow Warrior ClassicNeed for Speed PaybackLife is Strange: Before the StormMONSTER HUNTER: WORLDPC Building SimulatorCounter-StrikeBIOMUTANTJurassic World EvolutionCooking SimulatorHouse FlipperShoppe Keep 2RaftBlack SquadThe CouncilDARK SOULS: REMASTEREDDAKAR 18Treasure Hunter SimulatorSatisfactoryRed Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredForza Horizon 4RAGE 2Green HellAssassin's Creed OdysseyGray DawnThe Walking Dead: The Final SeasonSekiro: Shadows Die TwiceDying Light 2 Stay HumanThe Awesome Adventures of Captain SpiritTrials RisingDying Light: Bad BloodMinecraft DungeonsAgony UNRATEDLayers of Fear 2RavenfieldThief SimulatorDraugenBioShock RemasteredBioShock 2 RemasteredAmong TreesFar Cry New DawnThe Outer WorldsPUBG LiteSubnautica: Below ZeroS.W.I.N.E. HD RemasterPineImmortals Fenyx RisingNeed for Speed HeatPlants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleGroundedAssassin's Creed ValhallaHorizon Zero DawnWindboundDrug Dealer SimulatorShadow Warrior 3Far Cry 6Martha Is DeadGunfire RebornAmong UsForza Horizon 5Coral IslandBob: A thousand lives

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