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raw_god93 mostanában ezzel játszik (4):

Resident Evil VillageAssassin's Creed ValhallaHorizon Zero DawnAssassin's Creed Mirage

raw_god93-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (74):

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith LordsConstantineLEGO BatmanTomb Raider LegendX-Men Origins: WolverineCall of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthAmnesia: The Dark DescentLEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7Warhammer 40000: Space MarineLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesBorderlands 2The PunisherBinary DomainAmong the SleepAmnesia: A Machine for PigsCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2Brutal LegendLEGO Marvel Super HeroesThe Bureau: XCOM DeclassifiedDeadly Premonition: The Director's CutTales from the BorderlandsSerious Sam 4RuneBorderlands: The Pre-SequelLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamHomefront: The RevolutionStyx: Master of ShadowsAfro Samurai 2: Revenge of KumaRyse: Son of RomeOutlast 2LEGO Marvel's AvengersSystem Shock (2023)Styx: Shards of DarknessDarksiders Warmastered EditionECHOThe Sinking CityTurok 2: Seeds of EvilBorderlands 3LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2A Plague Tale: InnocencePast CureRemothered: Tormented FathersAtomic HeartDeathloopTerminator: ResistancePOSTAL 4: No RegertsAmnesia: RebirthShadow Warrior 3Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice LeagueThe Dark Pictures Anthology: House of AshesThe Callisto ProtocolAliens: Fireteam EliteNecromunda: Hired GunLife is Strange: Before the Storm RemasteredDeadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in DisguiseTiny Tina's WonderlandsThe Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in MeDead Space RemakeWarhammer 40000: Space Marine 2Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorSerious Sam: Siberian MayhemGreedFall II: The Dying WorldDeath Stranding 2: On The BeachHigh On LifeEreban Shadow LegacyAlone in the DarkNew Tales from the BorderlandsSilent Hill 2 RemakeAmnesia: The BunkerTurok 3: Shadow of Oblivion RemasteredDaymare: 1994 SandcastleAssassin's Creed ShadowsMetaphor: ReFantazioA Quiet Place: The Road Ahead

raw_god93 a következő játékokkal játszott már (378):

Unreal Tournament 2004Need For Speed ProStreetDiRT (Colin McRae)World Of WarcraftFallout 2Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of SteelF.E.A.R. Extraction PointBioShockCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareGears Of WarCrysisF.E.A.R. Perseus MandateGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasHitman: Blood MoneyBattlefield 2Unreal TournamentDeus ExMax PayneMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max PayneJust CauseBattlefield 2142James Bond: Quantum of SolaceMafiaCrashdayAssassin's CreedPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinPrince of Persia: The Two ThronesTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Devil May Cry 4Far CryDiabloFreedom FightersBattlefield 1942The Godfather The GameStar Wars BattlefrontStar Wars Battlefront II (2005)Star Wars Republic CommandoResident Evil 4Mass EffectTurokAlone in the Dark (2008)Spider-Man 3Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double AgentDoom 3Doom 3: Resurrection of EvilNeed For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityXIIIF.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault ReconNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Call of Duty: United OffensiveHitman ContractsGTR 2 - FIA GT Racing GameFar Cry 2Crysis WarheadNeed For Speed UndercoverGrand Theft Auto IVNeed For Speed Underground 2Fallout 3no coverDead SpaceNeed For Speed UndergroundUltimate Spider-ManWolfenstein: Enemy TerritoryHitman 2: Silent AssassinSilent Hill 2Silent Hill 3no coverSilent Hill HomecomingLegacy of Kain: DefianceBullyno coverPrince of Persia 4F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginTom Clancy's Splinter CellTom Clancy's Rainbow Six VegasResident Evil 3: NemesisQuake IIQuake III ArenaHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1Red Faction: ArmageddonStar Wars Battlefront (2015)no coverHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanTom Clancy's Rainbow Six LockdownSpider-Man: Web of ShadowsF1 2010Fallout 3: The PittDeus Ex: Invisible WarMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultJames Bond 007: NightfireResident Evil 5Resident Evil 6Mafia IILeft 4 Dead 2Call of Juarez: Bound in BloodNeed For Speed ShiftMass Effect 2Battlefield: Bad Company 2Crysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2James Cameron's Avatar: The GameAssassin's Creed IIAliens vs. Predator (2010)DiRT 2 (Colin McRae)Ghostbusters The Video GameMax Payne 3Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceBorderlandsDead Rising 2BioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)Serious Sam HD: The First EncounterNinja BladeDead Space 2Metro 2033Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2BulletstormDOOM (2016)Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsFallout: New VegasDeus Ex: Human RevolutionRed Dead RedemptionF.E.A.R. 3DarksidersSniper: Ghost WarriorSerious Sam HD: The Second EncounterCall of Duty: Black OpsBrinkPostal 3Assassin's Creed: BrotherhoodHomefrontNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)James Bond 007: Blood StoneDiRT 3Battlefield 3Mass Effect 3Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2Dead IslandThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimSpider-Man: Shattered DimensionsFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VResident Evil: RevelationsBioShock InfiniteResident Evil: Operation Raccoon CityThe Darkness IINeed For Speed The RunCall of Juarez: The CartelAssassin's Creed: RevelationsHitman: AbsolutionCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Tomb Raider (2013)Serious Sam 3 BFEDarksiders IIMetro: Last LightPlanetSide 2Gotham City ImpostorsSyndicateSniper: Ghost Warrior 2DiRT ShowdownAlan WakeSouth Park: The Stick of TruthDoomMinecraftAssassin's Creed IIICall of Duty: Black Ops IICrysis 3Dead Space 3The Amazing Spider-ManAlan Wake's American NightmareNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistDmC: Devil May CryWatch DogsLuciusno coverSpec Ops: The LineBattlefield 4Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationEuro Truck Simulator 2Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes007 LegendsBlack MesaCyberpunk 2077Doom 3: BFG EditionNeed For Speed 2The Witcher 3: Wild HuntSpider-Man 2: The GameSpider-ManSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie ArmyAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagPAYDAY 2State of DecayWolfenstein: The New OrderNeed For Speed RivalsDeadpoolPlants vs. Zombies: Garden WarfareThe CrewTitanfallFIFA 14Mirror's Edge: CatalystAlien RageMarlow BriggsSniper Elite 3Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2Dead Island EpidemicAssassin's Creed: Liberation HDDayZWreckfestLoadoutThe Amazing Spider-Man 2Transformers: Rise of the Dark SparkBatman: Arkham KnightDeus Ex: The FallYaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareFIFA 15Battlefield HardlineRise of the Tomb RaiderMass Effect: AndromedaBlood (One Unit Whole Blood)NosgothMetro 2033 ReduxMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINHitman: Codename 47Watch Dogs 2Assassin's Creed RogueAlone in the Dark: IlluminationJust Cause 3Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTERAssassin's Creed SyndicateSniper: Ghost Warrior 3Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneF1 2015Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2Titanfall 2Assassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaDeus Ex: Mankind DividedDiRT RallyNeed For Speed (2015)Fallout 4Hitman (2016)Gears of War: Ultimate EditionAragamiResident Evil 0 / biohazard 0 HD REMASTERRocket LeagueMafia III: Definitive EditionFar Cry PrimalAlekhine's GunAssassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaAssassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaQuantum BreakHitman GO: Definitive EditionRepubliqueSniper Elite 4Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarGhostbustersCall of Duty: Infinite WarfareStar Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)Hard Reset ReduxF1 2016Umbrella CorpsQuake ChampionsFallout ShelterState of Decay 2Resident Evil 7 BiohazardDuke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World TourBioShock: The CollectionRed Dead Redemption 2Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionMX vs. ATV Supercross EncoreDestiny 2Werewolf: The Apocalypse - EarthbloodDeus Ex: BreachDiRT 4Rogue Trooper ReduxAssassin's Creed​ OriginsThe Evil Within 2BayonettaCall of Duty: WWIIFar Cry 5Shadow Warrior ClassicNeed for Speed PaybackWolfenstein II: The New ColossusDead Effect 2Shadow of the Tomb RaiderMutant Football LeagueDevil May Cry 5World War ZDevil May Cry HD CollectionDefiance 2050Ion FuryCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Unreal GoldAssassin's Creed OdysseyHitman 2Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderSekiro: Shadows Die TwiceDOOM EternalWolfenstein: YoungbloodYakuza KiwamiYakuza 0ControlResident Evil 2Sniper Ghost Warrior ContractsDiRT Rally 2.0Assassin's Creed III RemasteredSunset OverdriveSaints Row: Gat out of HellDarksiders II Deathinitive EditionSystem Shock 2Far Cry New DawnDaymare: 1998Apex LegendsHalo: The Master Chief CollectionDetroit: Become HumanBorderlands Game of the Year EnhancedFIA European Truck Racing ChampionshipWatch Dogs: LegionGhostbusters: The Video Game RemasteredDarksiders GenesisELDEN RINGNeed for Speed HeatDeath StrandingNo Straight RoadsResident Evil 3The Outlast TrialsBeyond a Steel SkyDOOM 64God of WarResident Evil 4 RemakeCrysis RemasteredYakuza: Like a DragonDIRT 5Scarlet NexusNASCAR Heat 5Diablo II: ResurrectedMafia: Definitive EditionMafia II: Definitive EditionHitman 3StrayIt Takes TwoNeed for Speed: Hot Pursuit RemasteredHogwarts LegacyG.I. Joe: Operation BlackoutMass Effect Legendary EditionYakuza 5 RemasteredYakuza 6: The Song of LifeYakuza 3 RemasteredYakuza 4 RemasteredKingdom Hearts IIIKingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIXKingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueNINJA GAIDEN: Master CollectionResident Evil 4 VRCrysis 2 RemasteredCrysis 3 RemasteredSoulsticeMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyGRID LegendsAlan Wake RemasteredOutcast - A New BeginningGhost of TsushimaDeath Stranding: Director's CutMarvel's Spider-Man RemasteredMarvel's Spider-Man: Miles MoralesThe Last of Us Part INeed for Speed UnboundSouth Park: Snow Day!Star Wars: Dark Forces RemasterTomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara CroftStar Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection

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