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gaborw mostanában ezzel játszik (11):

Mortal Kombat XForza Horizon 4Dying Light 2 Stay HumanOVERPASSNeed for Speed HeatDeath StrandingA Plague Tale: RequiemF1 2020WRC 9Halo 2: AnniversaryForza Horizon 5

gaborw-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (31):

SyndicateProject CARSNeed For Speed RivalsAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Dead Rising 3WRC 5Friday the 13th: The GameResident Evil 7 BiohazardRed Dead Redemption 2FlatOut 4: Total InsanityMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarAnthemCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Tom Clancy's The Division 2V-Rally 4Dying Light: Bad BloodThe Outer WorldsDaymare: 1998F1 2019Dragon Ball Z: KakarotGhostrunnerSnowRunnerFast & Furious CrossroadsDIRT 5Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit RemasteredBattlefield 2042Days GoneWRC 10UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves CollectionGRID Legends

gaborw a következő játékokkal játszott már (164):

Unreal Tournament 2004Medal of Honor: AirborneCrysisGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasMax PayneMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max PaynePrince of Persia: The Sands of TimeFar Cryno coverHalo 2FlatOut 2Quake 4GRIDNeed For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto: Vice Cityno coverNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Far Cry 2Delta Force: Black Hawk DownCrysis Warheadno coverNeed For Speed UndercoverNeed For Speed Underground 2Need For Speed UndergroundFlatOutMedal of Honor: Allied AssaultTrackmania United ForeverTrackMania Nations ForeverF1 2010The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark AthenaMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultX-Men Origins: WolverineTerminator SalvationPrototypeCrysis 2Aliens vs. Predator (2010)Max Payne 3WolfensteinSplit / SecondMetro 2033BulletstormDOOM (2016)RAGECall of Duty: Black OpsChaserHomefrontNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)Battlefield 3Dead IslandFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VAliens: Colonial MarinesBioShock InfinitePrey (2017)F1 2011Medal of Honor: WarfighterRidge Racer UnboundedCall of Duty: Black Ops IICrysis 3Spec Ops: The LineBattlefield 4F1 2012GRID 2WarframeCyberpunk 2077Doom 3: BFG EditionSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie ArmyFar Cry 3 Blood DragonCall of Duty: GhostsThe Evil WithinWolfenstein: The New OrderMortal Kombat (2011)Dying LightThe CrewMad MaxAlien RageF1 2013Sniper Elite 3WRC 4Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2SpintiresMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorEnemy FrontSerious Sam 4Borderlands: The Pre-SequelGRID AutosportCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareNarcosisBattlefield HardlineHomefront: The RevolutionRise of the Tomb RaiderMass Effect: AndromedaSpace Hulk: DeathwingMetro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxF1 2014Dragon Ball XenoverseJust Cause 3Assassin's Creed SyndicateZombie Army TrilogyF1 2015Wolfenstein: The Old BloodTitanfall 2Dead EffectDeus Ex: Mankind DividedCall of Duty: Black Ops IIIDiRT RallyFallout 4Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsHitman (2016)Sébastien Loeb Rally EVOQuantum BreakBattlefield 1The SurgeSniper Elite 4Call of Duty: Infinite WarfareStar Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)F1 2016WRC 6Gears of War 4ScornDiRT 4Borderlands 3Call of Duty: WWIIFar Cry 5F1 2017Need for Speed PaybackWolfenstein II: The New ColossusMetro ExodusA Plague Tale: InnocenceShadow of the Tomb RaiderATV Drift & TricksDevil May Cry 5World War ZThe Surge 2Battlefield 5Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredRAGE 2F1 2018Just Cause 4Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderGears 5DOOM EternalWolfenstein: YoungbloodControlResident Evil 2Remnant: From the AshesSniper Ghost Warrior ContractsDiRT Rally 2.0WRC 8Apex LegendsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign RemasteredHalo: The Master Chief CollectionSniper Elite V2 RemasteredGRID (2019)Call of Duty: Modern WarfareZombie Army 4: Dead WarTerminator: ResistanceHalo: ReachHorizon Zero DawnGod of WarCrysis RemasteredAliens: Fireteam EliteSerious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

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