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Németh Dávid
30 éves, férfi
Tatabánya, Magyarország


datos mostanában ezzel játszik (15):

Star Wars: The Old RepublicGrand Theft Auto VEuro Truck Simulator 2Dragon Age: InquisitionHotline MiamiThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntPAYDAY 2Hotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorAssassin's Creed UnityCities: SkylinesLife is StrangeDragon Ball XenoverseWatch Dogs 2Red Dead Redemption 2

datos-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (1):

Cyberpunk 2077

datos a következő játékokkal játszott már (176):

Unreal Tournament 2004Guitar Hero III Legends of RockHalf-Life 2World Of WarcraftTimeshiftS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareUnreal Tournament 3Gears Of WarCrysisno coverKane & Lynch: Dead MenOverlordno coverGrand Theft Auto: San AndreasAge of Empires IIIHitman: Blood MoneyBattlefield 2no coverAge of EmpiresAssassin's CreedMass EffectTest Drive UnlimitedGRIDNeed For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto IIIGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityWALL-ECall of Duty 2The Sims 2Far Cry 2Age of Empires II - Age of KingsCrysis WarheadCall of Duty: World at WarGrand Theft Auto IVLEGO BatmanLeft 4 DeadBrothers in Arms: Hells HighwayFallout 3The Sims 3The Godfather 2Grand Theft Auto 2Fable: The Lost ChaptersQuake III ArenaRed Faction: ArmageddonRC Carsno coverF1 2010Tom Clancy's H.A.W.XAliens vs. Predator 2Wanted: Weapons of FateElven LegacyZoo Tycoon 2Batman: Arkham AsylumTropico 3Resident Evil 5PortalS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of PripyatMafia IILeft 4 Dead 2Terminator SalvationCall of Juarez: Bound in BloodThe SaboteurNeed For Speed ShiftMass Effect 2Battlefield: Bad Company 2no coverTom Clancy's Splinter Cell ConvictionCrysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2James Cameron's Avatar: The GameAssassin's Creed IIAliens vs. Predator (2010)DiRT 2 (Colin McRae)Saw: The VideogameMax Payne 3FIFA 10Wolfensteinno coverG-ForceFIFA 11Dragon Age: OriginsAlpha ProtocolLEGO Star Wars III: The Clone WarsBorderlandsDead Rising 2Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith EditionBioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)BlurKane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysCounter-Strike: Condition ZeroDead Space 2Metro 2033Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2Need For Speed WorldLEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II - Chaos RisingBulletstormTransformers: War for CybertronFallout: New VegasPlants vs. ZombiesF.E.A.R. 3Darksidersno coverTest Drive Unlimited 2Call of Duty: Black OpsBatman: Arkham CityDC Universe OnlineAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)Portal 2James Bond 007: Blood StoneFable IIIDragon Age IIDiRT 3Battlefield 3no coverDuke Nukem ForeverMass Effect 3Saints Row: The ThirdThe Sims MedievalDead Islandno coverSpider-Man: Shattered DimensionsL.A. NoireFar Cry 3LEGO Pirates of the CaribbeanOperation Flashpoint: Red RiverThiefBioShock InfiniteLEGO Star Wars: The Complete SagaStronghold 2Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under PressureThe Darkness IIVirtua Tennis 4Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Tomb Raider (2013)Metro: Last LightLimboSyndicateSouth Park: The Stick of TruthChoplifter HDGarry's ModAssassin's Creed IIISimCity (2013)Crysis 3Lost Planet 3Need For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistBattlefield 4GRID 2Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2Assassin's Creed IV: Black FlagSaints Row IVCall of Juarez: GunslingerBatman: Arkham OriginsThe Sims 4Mortal Kombat (2011)DeadpoolDying LightInjustice: Gods Among UsNARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HDThe Walking Dead: Season 2Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesLoadoutBatman: Arkham KnightFar Cry 4Dead Rising 3Ryse: Son of RomeThis War of MineOddworld: New 'n' TastyAssassin's Creed​ OriginsFar Cry 5Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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