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Warewolf mostanában ezzel játszik (1):

World of Tanks

Warewolf-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (147):

Alone in the Dark (2008)Star Wars Battlefront (2015)StarCraft 2Beyond Good and Evil 2Hunt: Showdown 1896Saints Row: The ThirdSpider-Man: Shattered DimensionsThiefPrey (2017)Call of Juarez: The CartelCrysis 3Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistWatch DogsI Am AliveMetal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesDragon Age: InquisitionAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagSaints Row IVWildStarDying LightDark Souls IITom Clancy's The DivisionGame of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesBatman: Arkham KnightAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Killer is Dead - Nightmare EditionSubnauticaFortniteHomefront: The RevolutionMortal Kombat XDead Rising 3The Vanishing of Ethan CarterMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINFINAL FANTASY XIIIDragon Ball XenoverseWatch Dogs 2Assassin's Creed RogueOverwatchFINAL FANTASY XIII-2Street Fighter VZombie Army TrilogyThe Walking Dead: A New FrontierFirewatchWolfenstein: The Old BloodCall of Duty: Black Ops IIIThe TechnomancerNaruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4OVERKILL's The Walking DeadNeed For Speed (2015)XCOM 2Tales of ZestiriaDark Souls IIIUnravelTom Clancy's Ghost Recon WildlandsSouth Park: The Fractured But WholeVampyrPerceptionLayers of FearDragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenFar Cry PrimalAquanox Deep DescentPraey for the GodsLIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIIIBlack DesertBatman - The Telltale SeriesShadwenEscape from TarkovTales of BerseriaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in ManhattanQuantum BreakEisenhorn: XENOSE.T. ArmiesCall of CthulhuThe SurgeSniper Elite 4Attack on Titan - Wings of FreedomSpacelordsCall of Duty: Infinite WarfareStar Wars Battlefront 2 (2017)AbsolverAgonyUmbrella CorpsDead Rising 4FeGalaxy in TurmoilForza Horizon 3TEKKEN 7We Happy FewResident Evil 7 BiohazardScornGOD EATER 2 Rage BurstPure Farming 2018NieR: AutomataLittle NightmaresClockworkFrostpunkECHOOsiris: New DawnMarvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale SeriesDYNASTY WARRIORS 9Destiny 2ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWNSkylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover IslandMiddle-earth: Shadow of WarThe Evil Within 2Secret World LegendsCode VeinCall of Duty: WWIIDarksiders IIIVanquishFar Cry 5F1 2017ExtinctionWolfenstein II: The New ColossusBubsy: The Woolies Strike BackDRAGON BALL FighterZMetro ExodusPast CureTARTARUSDebrisBlack Mirror (2017)SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal BulletBIOMUTANTRUGBY 18Immortal: UnchainedHidden Dragon: LegendWarhammer: Vermintide 2Injustice 2WWE 2K18Nioh: Complete EditionRemothered: Tormented FathersHollowSphinx and the Cursed MummyELYONNocturnal HuntBless OnlineFade to SilenceSOULCALIBUR VIWitchfireTT Isle of Man: Ride on the EdgeDAKAR 18Farming Simulator 19Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyThe Forge ArenaReboant - Endless DawnGodfall

Warewolf a következő játékokkal játszott már (104):

Gears Of WarKane & Lynch: Dead MenPrince of Persia: The Sands of TimePrince of Persia: Warrior WithinPrince of Persia: The Two ThronesGrand Theft Auto IIIDead SpaceWarhammer 40000: Dawn Of War 2Red Faction: ArmageddonAIONThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsDead Space 2DOOM (2016)Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future SoldierDeus Ex: Human RevolutionAlice: Madness ReturnsHunted: The Demon's ForgeBattlefield 3TERAKingdoms of Amalur: ReckoningPrototype 2Far Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VNeed For Speed The RunDishonoredAlan WakeMedal of Honor: WarfighterOrcs Must Die! 2Dead Space 3Of Orcs and MenMetal Gear Rising: RevengeanceNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)DmC: Devil May CrySpec Ops: The LineBattlefield 4Project CARSEuro Truck Simulator 2Remember MeWarframeDeadlightThe Walking Dead: Survival InstinctThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntHearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftCall of Duty: GhostsState of DecayThe Evil WithinThe Bureau: XCOM DeclassifiedWolfenstein: The New OrderNeed For Speed RivalsDeadpoolMurdered Soul SuspectThe CrewMad MaxLords of the FallenSniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2SOMAMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorAlien: IsolationChild of LightYaiba: Ninja Gaiden ZMax: The Curse of BrotherhoodHalo: Spartan AssaultBorderlands: The Pre-SequelOrcs Must Die! UnchainedSid Meier's Civilization: Beyond EarthCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareDreadOutBattlefield HardlineOri and the Blind ForestRise of the Tomb RaiderMetro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxRyse: Son of RomeLife is StrangeHatredOutlast 2Escape Dead IslandResident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTERHellblade: Senua's SacrificeOddworld: New 'n' TastyWhite NightDead or Alive 5 Last RoundResident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2RideTitanfall 2Deus Ex: Mankind DividedKing's QuestAragamiAnna's QuestSilenceGhost in the Shell: First AssaultFarming Simulator 17Battlefield 1Battle Chasers: NightwarShadows of KurganskPaladinsAdventureQuest 3DMOBIUS FINAL FANTASYHollow KnightBayonettaWRC 7Need for Speed PaybackA Way OutAnthem

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