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Praetorianus a következő játékokkal játszott már (140):

The WitcherCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareUnreal Tournament 3Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCompany of Heroes: Opposing FrontsAge of Empires IIIHitman: Blood MoneyBattlefield 2Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium WarsRise of NationsAssassin's CreedCommand & Conquer 3: Kane's WrathFar CryRome: Total WarThe Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-EarthThe Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 The Rise of the Witch-KingTotal War: Medieval IIAge of MythologyNeed For Speed Most WantedSporeArma 3Unreal 2: The AwakeningCall of Duty 2Far Cry 2Call of Duty: World at WarMirror's EdgeFIFA 09Grand Theft Auto IVLeft 4 DeadTotal War: EmpireMedieval II: Total War KingdomsThe Witcher: Enhanced Editionno coverno coverCompany of Heroes: Tales of ValorMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultArcania: Gothic 4Left 4 Dead 2Call of Juarez: Bound in BloodJust Cause 2Mass Effect 2Battlefield: Bad Company 2James Cameron's Avatar: The GameAssassin's Creed IICall of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthDarkest of DaysTotal War: NapoleonThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsBorderlandsCodename: Panzers - Cold War Metro 2033Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeMount & Blade: WarbandRAGECall of Duty: Black OpsBatman: Arkham CityAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodWorld of TanksBattlefield 3Saints Row: The ThirdTorchlight 2Dead IslandThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VCompany of Heroes 2Assassin's Creed: RevelationsHitman: AbsolutionCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Metro: Last LightDishonoredLimboCounter-Strike 2Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2MinecraftBorderlands 2Assassin's Creed IIIXCOM: Enemy UnknownCall of Duty: Black Ops IIDead Space 3DarkTom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistSpec Ops: The LineTotal War: ROME IIProject CARSI Am AliveDead Island RiptideThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntAge of Wonders IIIAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagSaints Row IVPAYDAY 2Gone HomeDon't StarveFar Cry 3 Blood DragonState of DecayNeed For Speed RivalsThe Raven: Legacy of a Master ThiefDying LightSpelunkySniper Elite 3Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2Space EngineersDayZRust7 Days to DieThe ForestEnemy FrontTropico 5Grim DawnPlague Inc: EvolvedFar Cry 4SubnauticaGang BeastsHearts of Iron IVDead Rising 3Metro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxRyse: Son of RomeThe Long DarkTotal War: AttilaThis War of MineZombie Army TrilogyStranded DeepThe EscapistsMount & Blade II: BannerlordDon't Starve TogetherARK: Survival EvolvedFallout 4Dead Rising 2: Off the RecordCompany of HeroesBreach & Clear: DeadlineEmpyrion - Galactic SurvivalPlanetary Annihilation: TITANSCorpse of DiscoveryPlanetbaseKeep Talking and Nobody ExplodesWickCossacks 3

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