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Lamar mostanában ezzel játszik (1):


Lamar-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (8):

Mass Effect: AndromedaSkull and BonesGrand Theft Auto VIA Plague Tale: RequiemHorizon Zero DawnThe QuarryAssassin's Creed MirageKingdom Come: Deliverance II

Lamar a következő játékokkal játszott már (120):

Team Fortress 2Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasFar Cry 2Grand Theft Auto IVFallout 3The Sims 3Diablo IIIMafia IIMass Effect 2Assassin's Creed IIno coverBorderlandsDead Space 2Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six SiegeTom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future SoldierF.E.A.R. 3Amnesia: The Dark DescentMass Effect 3Dead IslandThe Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimL.A. NoireFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VBioShock InfiniteCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Tomb Raider (2013)Metro: Last LightDishonoredPlanetSide 2Counter-Strike 2Garry's ModAssassin's Creed IIIXCOM: Enemy UnknownThe Walking DeadCrysis 3MagickaWatch DogsLuciusI Am AliveEuro Truck Simulator 2Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesCyberpunk 2077League of LegendsThe Walking Dead: Survival InstinctThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntEuropa Universalis IVAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagPAYDAY 2Hearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftCall of Duty: GhostsThe Sims 4Dying LightThe CrewMad MaxOutlastThe Wolf Among UsGame Dev TycoonTom Clancy's The DivisionThe Walking Dead: Season 2SpintiresGame of Thrones - A Telltale Games SeriesAlien: IsolationThe ForestEvolveAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4SubnauticaValiant Hearts: The Great WarFIFA 15Rise of the Tomb RaiderABZUMetro: Last Light ReduxMETAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAINLife is StrangeKingdom Come: DeliveranceThis War of MineOverwatchAssassin's Creed SyndicateThe Walking Dead: A New FrontierFirewatchReign Of KingsCar Mechanic Simulator 2015XCOM 2Fallout 4Dishonored 2FOR HONORSea of ThievesRocket LeagueSherlock Holmes: The Devil's DaughterThe Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale MiniseriesBattlefield 1JalopyFIFA 17Fallout ShelterRed Dead Redemption 2Destiny 2Late ShiftPUBG: BATTLEGROUNDSShadow of the Tomb RaiderShakes and FidgetEvil Genius 2: World DominationCar Mechanic Simulator 2018Contraband PoliceWorld War ZFarming Simulator 19Fallout 76Assassin's Creed OdysseyThe Walking Dead: The Final SeasonBeyond: Two SoulsDetroit: Become HumanFIFA 20Chivalry 2Crusader Kings 3Mafia: Definitive EditionFar Cry 6Chicken PoliceForza Horizon 5Days GoneAvatar: Frontiers of PandoraThe Last of Us Part I

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