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Budapest, Magyarország


dogab93 mostanában ezzel játszik (5):

Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasHearts of Iron IVFootball Manager 2016OMSI 2City Car Driving

dogab93-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (12):

Syberia 3Max Payne 3DOOM (2016)Assetto CorsaHomefront: The RevolutionRyse: Son of RomeARK: Survival EvolvedNeed For Speed (2015)Train Simulator 2021Far Cry PrimalForza Motorsport 6: ApexJalopy

dogab93 a következő játékokkal játszott már (133):

Guitar Hero III Legends of RockBus Driverno coverSid Meier's Civilization 4 Beyond The SwordEmpire Earth IIISaints Row 2no coverno coverMotoGP 08Sid Meier's Civilization 418 Wheels of Steel: American Long HaulAge of Empires IIIno coverno coverHitman: Blood Moneyno coverBattlefield 2no coverno coverFar CryBattlefield 1942The Godfather The Gameno coverrFactorRome: Total WarSniper EliteAge of MythologyTest Drive Unlimitedno coverno coverNeed For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonArma 3ScarfaceTrue Crime New York CityNeed For Speed Hot Pursuit 2Call of DutyThe SimsHitman Contractsno coverHunting Unlimited 2009GTR - FIA GT Racing Game GTR 2 - FIA GT Racing GameStronghold CrusaderS.W.I.N.E.Samurai Warriors 2no coverGrand Theft Auto IVLeft 4 Deadno coverNeed For Speed Undergroundno coverPostal 2Battlestations: MidwayRollerCoaster Tycoon 3A MesterlövészThe Sims 3F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginIL-2 Sturmovik: 1946Grand Theft Auto 2El MatadorRC Carsno coverBlitzkriegXpand Rally 2004SWAT 4no coverWorms ArmageddonZoo TycoonZoo Tycoon 2Driver 3Tropico 3Hearts of Iron IIIMafia IIOperation Flashpoint: Dragon Risingno coverR.U.S.E.Anno 1404Virtua Tennis 2009no coverno coverno coverno coverno coverHunting Unlimited 2008City Bus Simulator 2010no coverSid Meier's Civilization VMUD TVDynasty Warriors 6Test Drive Unlimited 2no coverno coverWorld of TanksFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VCities in MotionHitman: AbsolutionTerrariaSimCity 4DoomThe PunisherWorld of WarplanesSniper Elite V2Tomb Raider (1996)Tomb Raider 2Tomb Raider 3Battlefield 4Total War: ROME IIInversionCities in Motion 2Euro Truck Simulator 2The Witcher 3: Wild HuntThe Sims 4World of WarshipsDCS WorldTony Hawk's Underground 2Hunting Unlimited 2010Football Manager 2014BMW M3 ChallengeSpintiresTropico 5FIFA 15The Long DarkManhuntFootball Manager 2015MotoGP 2Tennis Elbow 2013SimCity 2000FIFA 16Pro Evolution Soccer 2016American Truck SimulatorStardew Valley

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