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Ghost4Rider mostanában ezzel játszik (10):

Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareTeam Fortress 2Heroes of Might & Magic VThe Godfather 2Mafia IITorchlight 2Grand Theft Auto VDota 2Borderlands 2Mortal Kombat (2011)

Ghost4Rider-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (11):

no coverLost Planet 3Watch Dogsno coverThe Witcher 3: Wild HuntSaints Row IVLEGO Marvel Super HeroesCall of Duty: GhostsState of DecayTitanfallDeadfall Adventures

Ghost4Rider a következő játékokkal játszott már (90):

Unreal Tournament 2004Half-LifeHalf-Life 2Half-Life 2 Episode OneHalf-Life 2 Episode TwoBioShockUnreal Tournament 3Painkiller OverdoseCrysisBlackSite Area 51Grand Theft Auto: San Andreasno coverBattlefield 2Just CauseBattlefield 2142Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - SoulstormAssassin's Creedno coverTom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)Mass EffectQuake 4Need For Speed Most WantedSporeGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityThe Incredible Hulkno coverSamurai Warriors 2Mirror's EdgeGrand Theft Auto IVLEGO BatmanLeft 4 DeadTitan QuestFallout 3Return to Castle WolfensteinPostal 2Medal of Honor: Allied AssaultStar Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academyno coverno coverno coverThe Lord of the Rings: ConquestX-Blades (Oniblade)no coverFable: The Lost ChaptersBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate BoxQuake III ArenaNecroVisionSWAT 4Wanted: Weapons of FateBatman: Arkham AsylumX-Men Origins: WolverineStreet Fighter IVLeft 4 Dead 2PrototypeJust Cause 2Crysis 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2SingularityBorderlandsTorchlightBioShock 2Medal of Honor (2010)BlurSplit / SecondBulletstormPlants vs. ZombiesAmnesia: The Dark DescentKing's Bounty: CrossworldsPortal 2Fable IIIBattlefield 3Trine 2: Complete StorySaints Row: The ThirdDungeon DefendersDead IslandFar Cry 3Aliens: Colonial MarinesBioShock InfiniteSection 8: PrejudiceCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Darksiders IILimboOrcs Must Die!Alan WakeMinecraftGRID 2Cube WorldDeadpoolStarForge

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