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Gawor-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (4):

Mad MaxTom Clancy's The DivisionBatman: Arkham KnightCall of Duty: Black Ops III

Gawor a következő játékokkal játszott már (102):

Mass EffectGrand Theft Auto IVFallout 3Resident Evil 6Mass Effect 2The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsBulletstormMass Effect 3The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimFar Cry 3Grand Theft Auto VAliens: Colonial MarinesThiefBioShock InfiniteHitman: AbsolutionTomb Raider (2013)Metro: Last LightDishonoredAlan WakeSouth Park: The Stick of TruthMinecraftBorderlands 2Assassin's Creed IIIMetal Gear Rising: RevengeanceNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistAmong the SleepWatch DogsBattlefield 4Project CARSMetal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesDead Island RiptideDragon Age: InquisitionCarmageddon: ReincarnationBrothers: A Tale of Two SonsFable AnniversaryAmnesia: A Machine for PigsCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2The Witcher 3: Wild HuntAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagBatman: Arkham OriginsCall of Duty: GhostsThe Evil WithinThe Bureau: XCOM DeclassifiedSherlock Holmes: Crimes & PunishmentsThe Sims 4Wolfenstein: The New OrderNeed For Speed RivalsMortal Kombat (2011)Shadow WarriorMurdered Soul SuspectDying LightDaylightThe CrewTitanfallDark Souls IIDeadfall AdventuresF1 2013OutlastRaven's CryLords of the FallenSniper Elite 3SpintiresMiddle-earth: Shadow of MordorAssassin's Creed: Liberation HDDayZAlien: IsolationThe ForestEnemy FrontChild of LightEvolveRisen 3: Titan LordsAssassin's Creed UnityFar Cry 4Trials FusionGoat SimulatorBorderlands: The Pre-SequelGRID AutosportRise of IncarnatesCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareValiant Hearts: The Great WarNever Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)DreadOutMortal Kombat XDead Rising 3Styx: Master of ShadowsThe Vanishing of Ethan CarterLara Croft and the Temple of OsirisOri and the Blind ForestDreamfall ChaptersMetro 2033 ReduxMetro: Last Light ReduxRyse: Son of RomeLife is StrangeAssassin's Creed RogueHatredEscape Dead IslandThis War of MineLucius II: The ProphecyResident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTEROddworld: New 'n' TastyWolfenstein: The Old Blood

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