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hulk mostanában ezzel játszik (1):

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

hulk-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (14):

Crysisno coverCrysis 2Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthDarksidersPortal 2Duke Nukem ForeverRed Orchestra 2: Heroes of StalingradGrand Theft Auto VRisen 2: Dark WatersTomb Raider (2013)Warhammer 40000: Space MarineCave Story+Painkiller Hell & Damnation

hulk a következő játékokkal játszott már (89):

Unreal Tournament 2004Need For Speed ProStreetStarCraftHalf-Life 2Half-Life 2 Episode OneFIFA 08S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylCall of Duty 4: Modern WarfareEmpire Earth IIIThe Settlers VI Rise Of An EmpireFlight Simulator XTeam Fortress 2Grand Theft Auto: San Andreasno coverno coverno coverno coverno coverCommand & Conquer 3: Tiberium WarsAge of EmpiresPenumbra: Black PlagueWarhammer 40000: Dawn of WarAssassin's CreedFar Cryno coverTomb Raider AnniversaryThe Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-EarthIron ManFlatOut 2Age of MythologyDriver: Parallel LinesNeed For Speed Most WantedNeed For Speed CarbonGrand Theft Auto: Vice CityCounter-Strike: SourceWALL-EDungeon Siege IIFIFA 07Call of Duty 2RollerCoaster TycoonCommand & Conquer: Red Alert 3Age of Empires II - Age of Kingsno coverno coverStronghold CrusaderPenumbra: OvertureFIFA 09Grand Theft Auto IVNeed For Speed Underground 2Left 4 DeadFallout 3Return to Castle WolfensteinTomb Raider: UnderworldNeed For Speed UndergroundFlatOutRollerCoaster Tycoon 3Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyFable: The Lost ChaptersFallout 3: The PittTomb Raider LegendTomb Raider The Angel of DarknessRailroad Tycoon IIZoo TycoonZoo Tycoon 2Cossacks: European WarsCossacks: Back to WarCossacks: Art of WarCossacks II: Napoleonic WarsCossacks II: Battle for EuropePortalNeed For Speed ShiftFIFA 10StarCraft 2RisenCommand & Conquer 4: Tiberian TwilightFIFA 11Total War: NapoleonThe Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdomno coverFallout: New VegasAmnesia: The Dark DescentCall of Duty: Black OpsNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)no coverCommander: Conquest of the AmericasTrine 2: Complete StoryStronghold HDStronghold 2Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

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