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Shadow9 mostanában ezzel játszik (3):

Deus Ex: Mankind DividedAven ColonyDeus Ex: Breach

Shadow9-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (52):

Battlefield 1942Beyond Good and EvilCrusader Kings IIAmnesia: The Dark DescentBrinkDragon Age IICommander: Conquest of the AmericasCompany of Heroes 2Counter-Strike 2Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2Carmageddon TDR 2000Alan WakeBorderlands 2Alan Wake's American NightmareWasteland 2Cyberpunk 2077Amnesia: A Machine for PigsBrutal LegendAge of Wonders IIIAlien: IsolationChild of LightBatman: Arkham KnightBorderlands: The Pre-SequelA Story About My UncleABZUCities: SkylinesBlackguards 2ARK: Survival EvolvedFallout 4Axiom VergeAshes of the SingularityCrashlandsCAYNEBattle BreakersApe OutConariumAutomobilistaAztezCity of BrassClose to the SunCelesteBad NorthControlAnodyne 2: Return to DustCostume QuestAutomachefBlair WitchCrying SunsCostume Quest 2A Short HikeBridge Constructor: The Walking DeadAbsolute Drift

Shadow9 a következő játékokkal játszott már (48):

The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionFallout 2The WitcherThief: The Dark Project & Thief GoldAssassin's CreedDiabloDiablo IITwo WorldsThe Elder Scrolls III: Morrowindno coverno coverFallout 3Call of JuarezThe Witcher: Enhanced EditionDiablo IIIThief 3: Deadly Shadowsno coverArcania: Gothic 4Batman: Arkham AsylumStar Wars: The Old RepublicAssassin's Creed IIDragon Age: OriginsThe Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsTorchlightTwo Worlds IIFallout: New VegasDragon Age: Origins AwakeningBatman: Arkham CityAssassin's Creed: BrotherhoodBejeweled 3The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimThiefAssassin's Creed: RevelationsAssassin's Creed IIIWatch DogsArx FatalisBlood KnightsAssassin's Creed IV: Black FlagAssassin's Creed: Liberation HDAssassin's Creed UnityThe Talos PrincipleAssassin's Creed SyndicateDarkest DungeonAssassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaBATTLETECHDarksiders Warmastered EditionA Plague Tale: InnocenceDarksiders II Deathinitive Edition

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