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Rapi Krisztián (Krissz)
26 éves, férfi
Tótkomlós, Magyarország


Krissz mostanában ezzel játszik (24):

CrysisNeed For Speed Most WantedF.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault ReconLeft 4 DeadReturn to Castle WolfensteinPostal 2F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginStarCraft 2F.E.A.R. 3Assassin's Creed: BrotherhoodDead IslandPrototype 2Assassin's Creed: RevelationsSouth Park: The Stick of TruthNeed For Speed Most Wanted (2012)LuciusPainkiller Hell & DamnationDead Island RiptideHearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftDead Island EpidemicBattlefield HardlineWolfenstein: The Old BloodRocket LeaguePOSTAL Redux

Krissz-t érdekli, biztosan játszani fog vele: (53):

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of ChernobylSoldier of FortuneMedal of Honor: Allied AssaultThief 3: Deadly ShadowsThe Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark AthenaMedal of Honor: Pacific AssaultArcania: Gothic 4LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone WarsDuke Nukem Manhattan ProjectBorderlandsStar Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith EditionStar Wars The Force Unleashed 2BulletstormSid Meier's Civilization VRAGEAmnesia: The Dark DescentTotal War: SHOGUN 2Postal 3Dragon Age IIMass Effect 3LEGO Star Wars: The Complete SagaDishonoredSyndicateRayman OriginsMedal of Honor: WarfighterThe Walking DeadDmC: Devil May CryWatch DogsTransformers: Fall of CybertronMad MaxDark Souls IIRayman LegendsRaven's CryLords of the FallenSOMAEvolveRisen 3: Titan LordsThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing IIAssassin's Creed UnityKilling Floor 2BombshellMortal Kombat XDizzelWarhammer: End Times - VermintideManhuntCall of Duty: Black Ops IIIAll Is DustHitman (2016)STASIS80  DaysEndorlightBloo Kid 2StarCraft: Remastered

Krissz a következő játékokkal játszott már (7):

Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)Call of DutyNeed For Speed Underground 2Need For Speed UndergroundPainkillerLEGO Racers 2Heaven Island

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