The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gépigény
Minimum gépigény:
Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM
Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
6GB free HDD Space
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet Access for Steam activation
Ajánlott gépigény:
Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher)
Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet Access for Steam activation
Az oldalon csak hivatalos gépigények találhatóak, amit a készítők vagy egy hivatalos forgalmazó cég tett közzé.
Hogy futna a gépeden?
Hasonlítsd össze a gépigényt egy általad megadott konfigurációval!
Hozzászólások: 5 092
Hozzászólás küldéséhez be kell jelentkezni.
doomyka: aaaz szép 😂😂
ndaver69: nekem 6GB van és szintén kivan x-elve pirossal😃
f*sza ezt majd szépen kipdobálom amikor megjelenik....
de ez a gépigény be van b*szva ki ikszelte pirossal a 2gb RAM-t minimumnál amikor nekem pont 2 van😆
mellesleg én is várom már a játékot 😀
de nem fogom hitegetni..el hiszed el,ha nem nem.....
nagy ívben tojok rá😀
am nem értem hogy a minimumnál mért piros a ram míg az ajánlottnál zöld😆
nagyon tettszetös game!
Ha nem birsz várni,akkor tölsd le innen a gamet:
Good Luck!
ám ez a grafi nagyon nagy. FOREVER
Már várom nagyon a játékot. Addig BF3 meg Crysis 2 fog menni.
FRISS INFO, The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM GEPIGENYE Pete Hines-tol, a twitter-en irta, a HDD kovetelmeny mondjuk tuti eliras!!!
"Full system requirements for The Elder Scrolls V
Probably the biggest RPG of the year, it would be a rare gamer who has not heard of the Elder Scrolls V or Skyrim. The game is due for release in only a couple of weeks and the excitement is building fast.
A few minutes ago the Skyrim system requirements were announced and one of our awesome visitors clicked the link in our GD news feed at the top of all our pages to let us know. THANKS Fierow! Lets take a look at those Skyrim specs...
Skyrim Minimum System Requirements
OS: Win XP/7/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
CPU: dual core 2GHz
HDD: 6GB hard disk space
GFX: DX9c video card with 512MB RAM
OTHER: Internet Access for Steam activation
Skyrim Recommended System Requirements
OS: Win XP/ 7
CPU: quad-core Intel/AMD
GFX RAM: DX9 video card with 1 GB
GFX: GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher
Audio: DX compatible sound card
One point of note is how low the HDD space required is. We thought it would be around 15-20GB but reported as only 6GB. Maybe a typo? If you hear different then let us know.
Pete Hines says - The Skyrim minimum specs get you playing, the Skyrim recommended specs let you play on High, not on Ultra. You'll want a beefier rig for that.
So baring that in mind lets take a look at what we reckon would be a suitable computer to get Skyrim running to a satisfactory level
GD Requirements for Skyrim
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8300 2.83GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 265
GFX: Nvidia GeForce GT 545 DDR3 / ATI Radeon HD 5670 1024MB
As always we will be looking to your feedback on this as the game comes out and you run your own tests head over to our Skyim Ratings page and pump in your frames per second and scores.
Like many we are certainly looking forward to playing The Elder Scrolls 5 and lets hope the game has moved on enough from Oblivion to put Skyrim a head above any other RPG."
Operating System: Win XP/7/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
CPU: Dual Core 2GB
Memory: 2GB RAM
Video Card: DirectX9c video card w/ 512MB RAM
Operating System: Win XP/7
CPU: Quad-Core Intel/AMD CPU
Memory: 4GB RAM, 6GB Hard Drive Space
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
Video Card: DirectX9 video card with 1GB memory. GTX 260/Radeon 4890 or higher
Elozo reszek nelkul is viszont elvezheto lesz, nyugi! 😀
UJ: Sajat, uj rajongoi vidim! Vigyazat, kozel fel oras lett!!! 😆