BioShock Infinite gépigény
Minimum gépigény:
Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
2 GB
512 MB, DirectX10 Compatible ATI Radeon HD 3870 / NVIDIA 8800 GT / Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
20 GB free
DirectX Compatible
Ajánlott gépigény:
Quad Core Processor
4 GB
1024 MB, DirectX11 Compatible, AMD Radeon HD 6950 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
30 GB free
DirectX Compatible
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Akkor mivel valószínűleg amúgy sem értetted az egész játékot, tökmindegy hogy a befejezést érted-e vagy sem 😀
Apparently, Elizabeth was Booker's daughter all along, and that's why his hand has the letters "AD" branded on it (Anna DeWitt, her birth name).
Now comes the really tricky part. Booker's voyage to Columbia in 1912 had nothing to do with his debts, because he'd already sold Elizabeth to the Luteces and Comstock back in 1893. He was just fabricating false memories using past events.
Why did he sell her off to Comstock in the first place? Well, now comes the REALLY tricky part. Comstock was actually Booker all along, but only the Booker of an alternate universe - where after the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890, Booker erased his past and his sins through a baptism, and was "born again" as Comstock (in the alternate universe shown in the ending, he refuses to be baptized and thus lives on as Booker, and then loses his daughter). Thus, he becomes a religious fanatic, a firm believer in American exceptionalism, and everything else you see embodied in Comstock. He never had a daughter, and he later became sterile. He builds Columbia, and turns it into what we see in-game.
Because he needs a successor who will "sit the throne" of Colombia after his death, Comstock (with the help of the Luteces), opens a gateway to an alternate universe and since he is sterile, "kidnaps" Booker's daughter, Anna - or as she will later be known, Elizabeth. Remember, he'd never had a daughter, and was rendered sterile by exposure to the Luteces' trans-dimensional equipment. Our Booker, the one who never accepted the baptism after Wounded Knee, is robbed of his own daughter by an alternate universe version of himself.
19 years pass, and Elizabeth grows up, Columbia is disavowed, the Luteces are betrayed and actually killed by Comstock, and Booker plummets into a downward spiral of self-destruction, and, perhaps, insanity. Again, for reasons I do not fully comprehend, the Luteces journey... to SOME universe, and offer Booker one last chance to redeem himself and save his destiny.
But as Elizabeth discovers once the Siphon is destroyed, things aren't quite that simple. This whole malarky has produced a massive inter-dimensional paradox, and the only way to do it is to... kill the original Comstock? Yes, it is - but who is the original Comstock? Booker, of course.
And so, Booker is drowned in the waters of the river where he had been reborn as Comstock. One after another, the different versions of Elizabeth vanish. In a post-credits vignette taking place in 1893, Booker appears to discover Anna, back in her baby crib - it would seem that inter-dimensional order has been restored: Elizabeth grows up with her real father, Columbia is never built, and everyone lives happily ever after.
Needless to say, it's an incredibly convoluted, poorly explained and nigh-incomprehensible ending to what should have been a much simpler tale. There are also many questions that remain unanswered... and that's what the Season Pass is for!
Nagyon jó játék , még engem is megfogott 😃
Azért van ez mert átírtátok a backgroundlevelstreaming sort False-ra.
Vissza kell állítani True-ra és már megy is tovább a játék.
Elérési útvonal: Documents\My Games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config\XEngine.ini
(írásvédett pipa ki, átír, utána pipa vissza..)
egyébként bementem valami nyomdába, ott "véletlenül" megöltem a békés lakókat, és utána ugy rámjöttek a rendőrök meg aza páncélos hogy nem tudok szabadulni tőlük 😆 szanaszét ölnek
Indulj el lefele :o
Annál a résznél mikor abban a torony féleség tetején ott lesz chen lin és beszélek vele utána mit kell csinálni mert nem ír ki semmit
Én most ott járok hardon és úgy döntöttem szüneteltetem mert akárhányszor meghalok majdnem maxra visszatöltődik az élete 😀 És használd a return to sendert sokat segít 😃
Igazából nem értem, mert tényleg csak a menüvel van baj.. Már kiértem a városba, és szépen fut a játék. : /
És végre átöltözött. Már vártam ezt a részt 😀
Azért, mert lesz egy jelenet, (úgy tudom) amikor Spoiler!
A minimumot se üti meg, de próbáld meg először a drivereket.
Én ott a második fireman-nél azt mondtam hogy elég inkább csak maradok a hard-nál 😀
Megoldódott 😀
Amúgy meg azóta van ott, hogy a csajszi dobott egy aranypénzt, ha jól tudom
Én a Shocking Jockeyt,a Lovasat most fejből nem tudom mi a neve(talán Brucking Bronco)és a Chargert.
A nehezebb ellenfelek ellen szoktam a Devil's Kisst.
A Possessiont pedig egyáltalán nem használom.
Azon a képen túl vagyok,kiracsnyiztam magam.De Én nagy melleket látok annak ellenére,hoyg neki minyuri mellecske,de aranyos a nézése az mindent pótol,a mellét is.Biztos engem vett észre azért maradt tátva a szája és majdnem hanyat is dölt,mert megszédült tölem és még bújkál is az aranyos a fal mögé,mert zavarba van,egyem a szivét a csajnak.😂😆