League of Legends gépigény
Minimum gépigény:
Intel: Core i3-530 AMD: A6-3650
NVidia: GeForce 9600GT AMD: HD 6570 Intel: Intel HD 4600 Integrated Graphics, 1GB VRAM
DirectX 10
Win 7, 8, 10, X86 32-bit, x64
Ajánlott gépigény:
Intel: Core i5-3300 AMD: Ryzen 3 1200
NVidia: GeForce 560 AMD: Radeon HD 6950 Intel: Intel UHD 630 Integrated Graphics, 2GB VRAM
DirectX 11
Win 10, x64
NOTE: ARM: not supported
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breed1995: Ha zed-el mentél lee ellen, nem is csodálom 😃! Zed-re elég nagy counter lee.
Ennek mi értelme...
In the end, we opted for a full-on kit rework to reinforce his core theme as an anti-magic assassin with unrivaled mobility. These changes mean Kassadin must rely on his mobility to pick fights while finding opportunities to dive in and out of combat to take out targets. It's worth stressing: these changes are to make Kassadin less of a "blow someone up when you can" champion and more of a mobile attacker who wants to get in to fight while using Riftwalk to stay safe. Obviously, this is a significant change, so we'll be watching his performance very closely.
We've increased Kassadin's attack range and changed his passive so it no longer grants attack speed but avoids unit collision. We reduced Null Sphere's damage and pulled off the silence, although it will still interrupt channeled abilities. Instead, Null Sphere now grants Kassadin a shield on use. Nether Blade now passively deals bonus magic damage per autoattack and, when activated, deals higher bonus magic damage as well as restoring some of Kassadin's missing mana. No big changes to Force Pulse though we did reduce its damage a bit. Riftwalk, on the other hand, has a lot of changes. We've reduced its cooldown and it now scales with max mana instead of AP. Each stack now doubles the mana cost of the next Riftwalk but we reduced the mana cost and the number of max stacks to compensate. It also no longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champs.
Visuals Kassadin's particles have been updated!
Attack Range 125 ⇒ 150
Passive - Void Stone
newUtility Kassadin now additionally ignores unit collision
Attack Speed Bonus Bonus attack speed per magic damage reduced ⇒ No longer grants attack speed
Q - Null Sphere
newUtility Now additionally grants Kassadin a shield for 1.5 seconds that absorbs 40/70/100/130/160(+0.3 Ability Power) magic damage
newUtility Silences the target ⇒ No longer silences, instead it interrupts channel spells
Damage 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
newW - Nether Blade
Passive Kassadin's basic attacks draw energy from the void, dealing 20 (+0.1 ability power) bonus magic damage.
Active Kassadin charges his Nether Blade, causing his next basic attack to deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power) bonus magic damage and restore 4/5/6/7/8% of his missing mana (increases to 20/25/30/35/40% against champions).
Cooldown 6 seconds
Mana Cost No cost
Utility Resets Kassadin's basic attack timer on activation
E - Force Pulse
Damage 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180 (+0.7 ability power)
R - Riftwalk
newDamage 80/100/120 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 80/100/120 (+2% maximum mana)
newStacking Damage 50/55/60 (+0.1 ability power) per stack ⇒ 40/50/60 (+1% maximum mana) per stack
newRiftwalk Stacks Costs +100 mana per stack ⇒ Now doubles its mana cost per stack
newUtility Refunds mana on hitting enemy champions ⇒ No longer refunds mana on hitting enemy champions
Cooldown 7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 7/5/3 seconds
Mana Cost 100 ⇒ 75
Maximum Stacks 10 ⇒ 4
Stack Duration 8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
Azért abba belekötnék hogy a counter semmit nem számít. Fiora mi a f@szt kezdjen Jax ellen? 😆 Vagy Shen Darius ellen. A Mordekaiser is brutális Leblanc ellen. Pajzsod miatt nem tud leburstolni de te 3 E-vel kicsalod a passzívját mert olyan papír, aztán egy Flash+E+Ulti+Ignite kombóval annyi LB-nek.
Mivel zed a mainem nem hiába írtam, hogy simán megállja a helyét ha egy renekton van ellened nem jelenti azt hogy veszited a lane-t max nem ölöd meg de ő sem téged sunfire-t rak ki enemy, azért van a lw meg a bc sok renektont elvertem már meg az ilyen nagy counter féleségeket semmit nem számít tőled függ, hogy játszol.